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Avocado and Egg Breakfast Bowl for Champions!


This avocado and egg breakfast bowl recipe is not only high in protein but also rich in healthy fats from the avocado, making it a nutritious and satisfying way to start your day. Feel free to customize it with your preferred toppings and seasonings.

The “Protein-Packed Avocado and Egg Breakfast Bowl” is a healthy recipe for several reasons:

  1. Rich in Protein: Eggs are an excellent source of high-quality protein. They contain all the essential amino acids your body needs, making them a complete protein source. Protein helps to keep you full and provides the necessary building blocks for muscle and tissue repair.
  2. Healthy Fats: Avocado is a nutrient-dense fruit that’s packed with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. These fats can help reduce the risk of heart disease and support overall well-being.
  3. Low in Carbohydrates: This recipe is low in carbohydrates, making it suitable for those following low-carb or ketogenic diets. It can help stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce carb-related spikes and crashes.
  4. Nutrient-Rich Ingredients: Both eggs and avocados are rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Eggs, for instance, provide vitamin D, vitamin B12, and choline, while avocados offer potassium, folate, and various antioxidants.
  5. Fiber Content: Avocado is a good source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and helps you feel full for longer, reducing the urge to snack on less healthy options later in the morning.
  6. Balanced Nutritional Profile: This breakfast bowl combines healthy fats, protein, and dietary fiber, creating a balanced meal that can help you start your day with sustained energy.
  7. Versatility: You can customize this recipe with additional ingredients like diced tomatoes, herbs, or a sprinkle of cheese. These additions can enhance the flavor and nutritional value of the dish.
  8. Quick and Convenient: This recipe is easy to prepare and perfect for busy mornings when you need a nutritious breakfast in a hurry.
  9. Portion Control: Avocado halves provide a natural portion control. By serving the eggs inside the avocado, you’re less likely to overindulge, which can be beneficial for weight management.
  10. Flavorful and Satisfying: The combination of creamy avocado and perfectly cooked eggs, seasoned to your liking, results in a delicious and satisfying breakfast that can help you stay on track with your dietary goals.


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2 large eggs
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Optional toppings: diced tomatoes, chopped fresh herbs (e.g., cilantro, chives), shredded cheese, hot sauce

Instructions for Avocado and Egg Breakfast Bowl:

  1. Prepare the Avocado:
    • Cut the ripe avocado in half and remove the pit. To prevent the avocado halves from wobbling, you can slice a small portion off the bottom, creating a flat surface.
  2. Scoop Out Some Flesh:
    • Use a spoon to carefully scoop out some of the flesh from each avocado half, creating a slightly larger well for the eggs. Be sure to leave enough avocado around the edges to maintain the structure of the bowl.
  3. Season and Preheat:
    • Season the avocado halves with a pinch of salt and pepper. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
  4. Crack Eggs Into Avocado Halves:
    • Carefully crack one egg into each avocado half. If the egg yolk is too large, you can remove a little egg white to prevent overflow.
  5. Bake:
    • Place the stuffed avocado halves on a baking sheet or in an oven-safe dish. Bake in the preheated oven for about 12-15 minutes, or until the egg whites are set, and the yolks reach your desired level of doneness. For runny yolks, bake for less time; for firmer yolks, bake longer.
  6. Add Toppings:
    • Remove the avocado and egg breakfast bowls from the oven. If desired, sprinkle with your favorite toppings, such as diced tomatoes, fresh herbs, shredded cheese, or hot sauce.
  7. Serve:
    • Carefully transfer the avocado and egg breakfast bowls to serving plates. You can use a small spoon to scoop out the warm, creamy avocado and egg together. Enjoy your protein-packed breakfast!